Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Letter to Josh Hawley

This is the email I sent to Josh Hawley on Sunday regarding his role in fanning the flames of the Nazi-esque electoral fiasco. To think I was worried about being over the top.


Your Electoral College Objection

Senator Hawley:

Your public statements and actions regarding the election and plots to reject the duly submitted slates of Electoral College delegates from states that didn't vote for Donald Trump demonstrate a profound rejection of legal precedents that is outright criminal. Your participation isn't merely exercising every legal avenue available for your cause or the cause of those you think you represent. Your claims have been reviewed in 31 different state and federal filings and the arguments you are supporting have been tossed out 30-1. The judges doing the tossing have been appointed by Democrats and Republicans alike -- including Trump appointees.

If You, Ann Wagner and your fellow comrades think there was something amiss in the voting procedures of these states or actual vote counting in these states, why are no calls being made to throw out the results of the Republican Senators and Representatives at the state and federal level who won in those same circumstances? Aren't those wins equally suspect? How would you react in a future election if the State of Missouri voted for Democratic candidate ABC and a future Congress voted to simply IGNORE the votes of Missouri residents because some other state wanted Republican candidate XYZ to win? Exactly who do you think you are representing? The Republican Party or the People?

I don't think you're that ignorant of basic Constitutional law or logic. You attended Stanford and Yale Law and clerked for Chief Justice Roberts. That means your motives for this legal and political charade are even more damning. You are simply trying to rack up points with the remaining Trump base that is still thoroughly disconnected from reality as well as win points with Trump himself. I'm sure you think scoring points with these blocs will help you in future elections but you've obviously not learned anything in the past four years. Since the election, Trump has bilked hundreds of millions of dollars from supporters under the guise of using it to fund these election challenges or possibly a future political campaign. Trump's only intent with that money is to spend part of it sowing dissent to keep himself in the news and to spend the rest implicitly (and illegally) subsidizing his post-Presidency lifestyle and YEARS of legal bills waiting for him in multiple states which are beyond the reach of any pardon at the federal level.

Beyond Trump, you are permanently associating your name with a literal Loser's Who Who in politics and the law:

Louie Gohmert --- filer of the lawsuit that sought to throw out the Electoral Count Act of 1887 giving the Vice President the right to throw out state-certified electors in favor of competing slates of electors. Only NO STATE has submitted a competing slate of electors.

Ken Paxton - The Texas State Attorney General, currently under federal indictment for securities fraud and the focus of state level claims of bribery and abuse of office, who is likely seeking to do Trump's bidding in exchange for a pardon for those federal tax fraud charges.

Sidney Powell -- past counsel for Enron executives, defense counsel for Michael Flynn who plead guilty to lying to the FBI about dealings with Russia and ring master for many of the laughable actions filed with states regarding the 2020 election, including a filing in Michigan about "Edison County" that doesn't exist anywhere in the country.

More importantly, your efforts in this matter are wasting the time of the courts and Congress at a point when 3000+ American citizens are dying per day of a pandemic whose impact and mitigation should be your top priority. More importantly, your actions are providing aid and comfort to forces within the country who have threatened violence against elected officials and the public in general. President Trump held another call this weekend with the Georgia Secretary of State alternately cajoling him and threatening him to find votes or processes to reverse the election results in that state. Trump and numerous Administration officials have made public comments about "wild" protests on January 6, 2021 as Electoral College results are certified. More "wild" than armed militia members showing up at the Michigan State House at the request of Trump in summer 2020?

In case those words "aid and comfort" weren't familiar, you should read Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 115, Section 2383 of the US Code regarding Rebellion or Insurrection for more context:
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Your public support of this charade not only confirms you are unsuited for any position in a law-making body but you have no business practicing law after supporting this level of mis-information being introduced into state and federal courts.