Monday, August 14, 2023

What's Brewing in Coffee County?

More criminal legal trouble for Donald Trump and his consortium of constitutional criminals.

CNN published a story on August 13, 2023 linked here with the following facts:

  • Missey Hampton, the top election official in Coffee County, made a statement in an election board meeting after the election that Dominion voting machines could be manipulated, attracting interest from the Trump team.
  • In early December, Hampton delayed Georgia's certification of its electoral votes due to her alleged concerns.
  • The claims involving Coffee County and their machines were discussed in an Oval Office meeting on December 18, 2020 with Trump present.
  • Between December 18 and January 1, Hampton wrote a letter inviting Trump officials to come to Coffee County for investigations.
  • A copy of the Hampton letter was shared by Katherine Friess -- an attorney working for Guiliani, Powell and outside contractors hired specifically to look at Coffee County -- with Bernard Kerik who was roaming the country under Giuliani's direction looking for claims of voting fraud that could be used to bolster Trump's case.
  • Hampton and fellow county election official Cathy Latham then granted access to election facilities and actual voting machines for Trump's team.
  • The outside team actually arrived in Coffee County on January 7, 2021, AFTER the Capital riot.

All of these events are backed up with text messages between the parties, surveillance video in the facilities and the actual letter from Hampton. An earlier CNN story from April of 2023 here cited additional text messages between Jim Penrose, a lawyer working under Sidney Powell, to Doug Logan, CEO of the outside contractor firm Cyber Ninjas that was hired to analyze voting machine security in multiple states. Their texts itemized numerous opportunities they identified for using the illegally extracted voting machine data:

  • using them to bolster the bogus Presidential election fraud claims to help Trump
  • using them to cast doubt on the integrity of an even more recent runoff election between Jon Ossoff and David Perdue
  • holding the data for some future strategic use

Note, Cyber Ninjas didn't FIND any evidence of incorrect vote tabulations during the election or after. The only piece of information they had that could be damaging was the fact that they had extracted voting data from the machines. But that was solely due to their own criminal actions and equally criminal cooperation from voting officials friendly to the Trump cause.

The sheer criminality is staggering. The breach of the data in the Coffee County voting machines took place THE DAY AFTER the Capital riot. Normally, one would assume anyone with a brain -- if not a moral fiber in their being -- would lay low on additional criminal activity after watching a disaster like that on January 6 take place. Ixne on the political ottenre, right? Team Trump still appeared to be doubling down.

The sheer cynicism is staggering as well. Generate a bunch of fear and doubt about election integrity once it becomes clear you are going to lose. When you DO actually lose, criminally conspire with local officials in your OWN PARTY to tamper with machines that were operated securely during the election and generated accurate results. As a result of your tampering, you might be able to manufacture some votes in a Republican dominated county no one would question to alter a larger statewide vote and possibly turn a national election. You might decide to wait and use the confusion resulting over news of a breach to nullify another close vote in the state that didn't go your way. Or you might choose to sit on the information, lie in wait in the grass for some future mother of all dirty tricks. And if news of your tampering gets out, then it "proves" you were right about the machines being insecure.

I seriously think every person involved in this deserves a life sentence at minimum. In the overall history of America, these crimes stand at the top in their damage to the country.

In the mean time, every county election official in the country needs to be provided formal re-training that emphasizes that ANYONE arriving in their office requesting physical or network access to voting machines on ANY day of the week better come with a metric ton of warrants and subpoenas and a signed letter from the Governor. Any legitimate expert in the cyber security field should also know that. Any claimed cyber security expert that would participate in an exercise like this is a criminal.