Monday, November 07, 2022

Russians or Republicans?

Who is doing more to destroy voting rights and democracy in America?

It is likely it will never be known for sure but one thing is clear... Both are doing their damndest.

On Election Eve, November 7, 2022, two different stories hit the wires. One involves comments made by a Russian businessman.

Not just any Russian bussinessman. This businessman is Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is a close financial / political ally of Putin and founder of Russian mercenary firm Wagner. Prigozhin bluntly stated:

We have interfered (in U.S. elections), we are interfering and we will continue to interfere. Carefully, accurately, surgically and in our own way, as we know how to do.

As if anyone with sanity had any doubt. But on the same day, The Washington Post published a story regarding lawsuits filed in at least three battleground states by Republicans to reject mail-in ballots on technicalities.

What technicalities? Technicalities like failing to write the mail-in date on the outer envelope, even though the ballots were received PRIOR to election day. In these same battleground states, Republicans have urged Republican supporters to only vote on election day. The Repubicans are WINNING these lawsuits, posing a very real likelihood such exclusions of THOUSANDS of ballots will skew heavily towards ballots cast both voters voting for Democratic candidates. Such wins are subject to appeals, possibly all the way to the Supreme Court, but it is very clear a majority of Supreme Court Justices would have no problem ruling in favor of these arbitrary and fickly enforced rules as part of supporting "state's rights" and supporting the Supreme Court's view that state voting laws and processes do not require federal oversight and enforcement to avoid abuses.