Thursday, November 03, 2022

You Don't Have To Be A Hero

To say Election Day 2022 will be a critical election could be the understatement of the century. Or the understatement of two hundred forty six years, to be precise.

Not every Democratic candidate has great answers for every social or economic problem facing the country. But every Democratic candidate is correct on the one issue whose outcome ensures ALL candidates and voters have the right to correct mistakes the next time. In contrast, nearly HALF of all Republican candidates running for state or federal office are WRONG on that same issue.

There are THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE Republican candidates who have publicly stated doubts about the outcome of the 2020 election when NO COUNTY OR STATE authority has corroborated material fraud in ANY result in the country. A large number of that Republican cult also favor altering election certification processes to provide special committees created by state legislatures the unilateral right to reject a state's vote and replace that result with the preference of that committee. A significant number of that Republican cult are running for Attorney General or Secretary of State positions which would have direct influence over such bastardized election processes.

It's perhaps appropriate that the calendar puts Election Day for 2022 just prior to Veterans' Day in 2022. When Veterans' Day arrives for 2022, will we be contemplating the sacrifices made by two hundred and forty six years of veterans to establish and protect our democratic processes? Or trying to forget an election that just cemented a critical mass of public officials in positions of power who are actively subverting that democracy and its underpinnings?

It's highly likely that the voters in THIS election, in November 2022, will have more influence on the eventual fate of democracy and freedom in America than all of its veterans of two hundred forty six years combined. And no one has to defer the start of a "real" career. No one has to enlist. No one has to take time off of work to attend county council meetings. No one has to parade in the street in 100 degree heat or 20 degree cold. No one has to brave machine gun fire storming an enemy beach. You don't have to be a hero, risking life and limb.

You just have to recognize which candidates are connected to reality, then spend probably 30 minutes waiting in line and vote accordingly.